Baphomet, drawn by the hand of Crimson Pond |
No need to
explain here at large that the Devil isn’t a Christian, or any other Abrahamic
religion’s invention. As Crowley wrote “The Devil is, historically, the God of
any people one personally dislikes”, so the Devil, or the Evil One has existed
since the dawn of the human history. On
the other hand, that remark by Crowley was made to the bolded statement in Book 4, Part III, Chapter XXI, section
II: “The Devil does not exist. It is a false name invented by the Black Brothers
to imply a Unity in their ignorant muddle of dispersions. A devil who had unity
would be a God.”
True, the Devil
does not exist. S/he, or It is what Life lacked, lacks, and will ever lack.
mystery that will never be understood. S/he, or It is what inspires us to
“create what shouldn’t be created, and to “destroy what shouldn’t be
destroyed”.* Thus S/he, or It introduces the Path of Evil by making us to
realize the Cosmic Offence that not only Life does not belong to us, but that
we do not own even our individual lives, being driven by unknown unconscious
forces, that we are a temporary formations of energy, which are to be dissolved
in some immense ocean of energy wherefrom new and unrecognizable formations
will emerge to replace us, that the individual consciousness and the self mean
nothing after all.
The very image
of Baphomet as portrayed by E. Levi and by many others after him shows an
absurd, paradoxical being, something impossible to exist, something monstrous beyond
what seems to be of the existing order of nature. As some stubborn
fellow-countrymen of mine would curtly say: “There’s no such an animal!” Indeed,
except partly, no mythology in the documented human history could witness the
existence of such a deity as well. Moreover, comprising all the elements, all
possible life forms and sexes, Baphomet
implies self-sufficiency, which is also something impossible in nature, where
everything is interdependent. So for the time being, Baphomet is an appropriate
symbol of the Devil who does not exist.
mathematically, the Devil, or Baphomet, has a Zero Unity. S/he, or It is just a
chance of Unity in an Abyss of Dispersion, what in fact the universe may come
out to be despite of the wishful expectations of both mystics and scientists. We
still know nothing after all.
However, those
who try to make use of that chance, or to take a credit from the Devil, are
mostly failures. Such is the human weakness. Well it’s quite naturally in the
early phase of one’s evolution a certain human-centric model of the cosmos to
be adopted. When undressed till stark naked and deprived of any tools, the
human is also an absurd being at the background of the climate of that planet
and its predatory nature. The human origin remains a mystery despite of all religious
and scientific speculations. Having survived nevertheless and imposed its dominance on that planet, it’s naturally
therefore for the human being to make of itself the center of the cosmos.
Coming closer to
the Abyss of Dispersion, however, one starts to realize that the human is a
means of Life, rather than vice versa. All those consumerist ideas of “God”
made the human after His own image, of giving him power over all the fishes in
the sea, over all the birds in sky, and over all the beasts in the field have
led to that detrimental civilization which today threatens the whole organic
life on the planet. Life, being itself a mystery, may take the necessary
measures of discarding that which threatens the rest of its forms and create a
better means of expressing its sentience.
How boring and
ridiculous is indeed the “spiritual attainment” of those who claim to have
attained “the unity with God”, the Oneness within that human-centric model,
based on the safety of human species only. Those fellows use to live in a
artificial human-centric clockwork Universe full of harmony and “karma”, which
allows no deviation. There are also those timid perverts who regard the
deviation itself as a means of “God” to
make the “prodigal sons” turning back to “Him”. They may even regard themselves
as pagans, or as wiccans, but despite of their claims they still remain
irremediable monotheists. The cherished
aim of becoming “All in One, and One in
All” is where everything ends, a bubble of illusion. In fact, they project
their human ego they allegedly deny, unto the universe. According to a certain
magical experience, those who claim to have “seen God”, have seen in the best case the Human Egregore,
or the field of energy generated by the human species. (Strange enough, why
then they do not see that egregore as a hermaphrodite, as it should be -
containing both the human sexes, but still see it as a male?)That egregore,
however, presents a very small part of the Life Force, which after all comes
out to have little to do with the human projections made onto it.
cliché-makers of any genuine magical concept - what the “Brothers of the Right
Hand Path” actually are, the guardians of the Old Aeon and the status quo, seek
to gain some time against the genuine forces of the New Aeon - forces, which
could be recognized by their both sinister and refreshing energy. The hypocrisy
and magical incompetence of these magical censors is particularly manifested in
modern times via the “New Age” movement with all its pseudo-ecologic care, vegan
manias, political correctness, feminism, leftism etc. turning any survived
remnant of genuine paganism into a
mediocre and conformist piece of shit. They are on their way to separate the
symbol of Baphomet from the Devil and turn it into a substitute for their need
of monotheism - thus hoping to simulate some Life-centric model, yet with all
the human morality projected thereunto plus certain anti-ego elements taken
from the Buddhists - another set of total spiritual decadents and nihilists, hiding
behind a religious dogma and hoping to attain the zero existence of Nirvana by mortification
of their desires lest they turn them back to the flesh of suffering. (To be continued...)
*This was a part from an addressing to the Sumerian
goddess Inanna, a deity so misused by the new-age wiccans, who fatally attribute
Her to the “Mother-Goddess”, or to the “Moon Goddess”.